Title: Paris Love Match
Author: Nigel Blackwell
Nr. Pages: 192
Piers Chapman had seen Paris,
In pictures,
In movies,
In books.
What he hadn't seen was the mobster.
Or the dictator.
Or the trained killers.
Or the diamonds they were chasing.
But it was Paris,
The city of light,
The city of love.
And a girl had already stolen his heart.
What could possibly go wrong?
Getting a taxi in Paris can be hell. Piers Chapman
expected a boring business trip to Paris. What he didn't expect was to fight
over a cab with a beautiful girl. After a bad meeting, Sidney Roux just wanted
to hail a cab, go home, and have a glass of wine. She didn't expect to fight
over a cab with some pompous British tourist. Neither of them expected another
man to jump in their cab. Or to be involved in a gun fight. Or a car chase
through the streets of Paris. Or for the man to die. But they're thrust
together when the mob demands they return what the dead man stole. Will Piers
and Sidney work together? Will they find what he had stolen? Will they stay
alive? And will they do the last thing they expected? Will they fall in love?
Olá a todos! Querem um passatempo internacional? Eu
sei que sim, por isso hoje tenho para vos oferecer a oportunidade de ganhar uma
copia do ebook deste livro fantastico. Tenho a certeza que irão adorar! O ebook
será em formato .mobi, que poderá ser lido através de um kindle ou em qualquer
software para o efeito (ex: Kindle for PC), gostaria também que vos dizer que o
prémio será enviado pelo autor através
do Amazon Americano, por isso têm de ter
uma conta lá. Se tiverem duvidas, avisem. Espero que gostem do passatempo,
participem e partilhem com os vossos amigos. Sigam também as regras^^
everyone! Do you want an international giveaway? I know you do, so today I’m
going to give you the opportunity to win one ebook copy of Paris Love Match, by Nigel Blackwell.
You are going to love the story. The ebook format will be .mobi, which can be
read with Kindle or a Kindle software (e.g. Kindle for PC). The prize will be
gift by the author through US Amazon, so you have to have and US Amazon
account. If you have any dobts, send me and email to omundoencantadodoslivros@outlook.com.
I hope you enjoy the giveaway and share it with your friends. Follows the rules
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vencedor será escolhido pelo random.org no dia 31 de Julho, as 23:59h.
* Se
partilharem o passatempo no facebook ou twitter (ou nos dois) terão entrada
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* One entry by name/email
* Open WORLDWIDE (everyone can enter)
* One Winner will be chosen randomly on July 31st on
* If you post the Giveaway on Facebook or Twitter (or
both) you have a double entry.
sorte para todos! / Good Luck!
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